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Phosphorus deficiency in citrus trees form a vibrant green leaves dull unceasing system. Necrosis seen in older leaves and poured early. Flowering is very weak. Very small number of fruits, berries large, but minus the coarse fibrous texture and thick spongy kabukludur.el phosphorus deficiency in the tree, the leaves are small, dark green, purple, bronze or become stained. They stand upright branches will make connections with narrow moon is reddish petioles. Rarely has a leaf system. Occurs at the edges of older leaves dark brown necrosis. Early defoliation occurs. Few flowers and fruit. Fruits remain small and poured before they mature. Fruits lifeless color, hard and is often a tissue, they are tasteless. The amount of phosphorus to nitrogen ratios excessive that case the flesh still rough textured leaves of phosphorus deficiency in olur.şeftali still be primarily dark green, then bronze or brown spots occur, especially rotating cold weather, red or purple color that stains. Leaves erect, rather narrow in advanced stages of deficiency are lanceolate. Older leaves are shed early.

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Growth of the tree fell.
Plum, Apricot, phosphorus deficiency slows the growth of the cherry trees in fruit trees. System-looking dark green leaves, petioles and young shoots are purple. Tan in older leaves and poured early. Phosphorus deficiency in the bond system creates a dark green leaves. The leaves are stiff, distorted in shape, have a metallic luster and fluffy speckled like warts. Bronze or purple necrosis starting from the edge of phosphorus deficiency in older leaves in görülür.çilek, starting from the thin veins in the leaf springs consists of bluish-green and dark green. Leaves folds down the sides, red, purple medium. Petioles are dark red. Middle and lateral veins on the lower surface of the leaves are purple looking. Poor flowering, fruit is small. Tomato plant reacts violently to phosphorus deficiency. The leaves are hard and steep structure and are dark green or bluish-green appearance. Under the leaves, reddish violet color formation is seen along the veins. The sheets are bent backwards. Older leaves turn yellow, brownish black spots occur and they die early. The body is thin and fibrous and consists of a state of dark violet spots on the body. I weakens flowering and fruiting. Fruits are small and stiff structure is the mature and growth slows in phosphorus deficiency in premature sararır.pamuk and leaves are dark green color. Maturation is delayed. Branching becomes less and less. .phosphorus deficiency in the number of flowers and pods, leaves and other system hard look. The decline in plant growth and dwarf consists of a body. Especially older leaves are folded upwards and then the resulting necrotic lesions on the leaf margins. Leaves normally be small. Older leaf turns brown and it would be premature breakdown. Sometimes a lump of phosphorus deficiency in olur.mısır brown spots, red violet color changes seen in contrast with the young leaves are dark green in the body and in older leaves. Seen later in older leaves curl and die early. Body becomes thin maturation is delayed. Irregular grain on the cob oluşur.şek beet and fodder beet germination stage in phosphorus deficiency shows since the effect is seen uneven germination. Developments recede and plants remain short compared to normal. In contrast, the leaves are stiff and erect their situation. In some cases, the petiole italic, they remain parallel to the ground. Leaves are normally covered with small purple or blackish happens and coffee stains. Necrosis will occur in the leaf edges. Older leaves turn yellowish green and phosphorus deficiency in early ölürler.tahıl, reduced tillering. Development is weak, the body stays short and thin. Leaves are dark green and bluish green. Gives an impression that there is an excess of nitrogen in leaf color. Older leaves are yellowing starting from the end, solar, dry and die early. The leaves are tough but ends hanging down. Basak are small, sometimes olurlar.fasuly phosphorus deficiency in legumes such as peas in purple and red, the leaves are dark green and bluish-green or olive green. Hard and erect leaves, but there is a weak system. Thin body; is short. Growth declined. Flowering is weak, bean and seed formation is low. peas; They sarararak dead from the edges of older leaves. My coffee beans occurs in older leaves in black or black spots and they die early. Onions phosphorus deficiency, dull, and dark green leaves and bluish red, violet gets smudged. Towards the lower end of the green leaves, yellow and brown necrotic lesions scattered. Older leaves are blackish in color with coffee and die.

TARLA ile ilgili görsel sonucu

Phosphorus deficiency in Turpan, an image is formed in dwarf plants. Leaves are dull and dark green leaves, especially at the lower edge of a reddish violet colored spots appear. Burns occur at the edges of older leaves and premature death. Root development is weak. Phosphorus deficiency in the lettuce, growth declines too. Rosette plants, as has an appearance, late or no heart would stop. The leaves are a dark green color and sometimes stained, but lifeless reddish violet. Older leaves are yellowish brown and die young carrot in phosphorus deficiency, the leaves become pale green and light violet stained. Older leaves are faded and thin body dies prematurely. Of phosphorus deficiency in cucumber plants, the leaves become dull dark green and small. I also bronze-colored spots appear on the leaves. Pale and flabby stop in the way or die early. The body is short and thin. Fruits are stained pale green and bronze. In the months of old leaves, transparent-looking, brown necrosis are seen, and petioles dry.
Leaves of phosphorus deficiency often than usual, many perennial plants, dark green leaves and red phosphorus deficiency in the body, reddish purple color occurs. Red, anthocyanin formation is due to the increase in phosphorus deficiency. And in some plants the leaves, such as corn plants are typical symptoms of red and reddish purple color seen in the body of phosphorus deficiency is easy to identify. Phosphorus deficiency in fruit trees to turn into coffee reddish brown of old leaves and cause premature breakdown.
Phosphorus deficiency symptoms first appear in older leaves. Young leaves are smaller than normal, while it seems to healthy. In case of deficiency in older leaves take long coffee-colored necrosis occurs. Beans, potatoes and beet necrotic spots on some plants, such as are almost black in color and black. Formation of necrotic leaf margins will develop into more. In case of deficiency would constantly leaves and poured.
Phosphorus is a very important team in the plant located in the structure of organic compounds. ATP energy transfer which is the most important of these compounds in the plant. Phosphorus, determining genetic characteristics of the plant is also essential for the formation of DNA `s. Briefly described these reasons phosphorus, has an important role in plant nutrients.
Excess phosphorus
Negative effects on plants under normal conditions of excess phosphorus is more indirect effects. Because phosphate ions are capable of keeping the soil in silos as such and therefore the same high levels of phosphate ions within the plant input is not encountered a situation easily. However, given the same amount of phosphorous fertilizers, causing micro elements such as zinc, iron deficiency. Phosphorus excess of calcium, boron and manganese deficiencies can create.


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