Plant-parasitic nematodes occur in all sizes and shapes. The typical nematode shape is a long and slender worm-like animal, but often the adult animals are swollen and no longer even resemble worms. Plant-parasitic nematodes range from 250 um to 12 mm in length, averaging 1 mm, to about 15-35 um in width. While nematodes may look dramatically different, they all share some common features.
Nematodes often look segmented because of the numerous annulations (accordion-like transverse grooves) on the cuticle that allow the nematode to bend without kinking, but in fact nematodes are unsegmented and have no replication of body parts throughout the worm. Like most higher animals nematodes possess bilateral symmetry, but with a superimposed trilateral and hexalateral symmetry. Developmentally, nematodes are triploblastic, containing three body layers (ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm) in the embryo. Most higher organisms are tripoblastic and have a coelom, a body cavity surrounded by mesoderm. Nematodes have a body cavity that is not totally surrounded by mesoderm, so they are pseudocoelomic.
Nematodes are evolutionarily related to insects, and one feature they have in common is the requirement to molt between juvenile stages. All nematodes undergo four molts from the juvenile to the adult phase of their life cycle. They have four juvenile stages and an adult stage. In many nematodes the first molt usually occurs in the egg and it is the second-stage juvenile that hatches.
While all nematodes undergo four molts, molting is not required for growth of the nematode as it is in insects because of the elasticity of the nematode cuticle. Nematodes do not have a skeleton, but they do have a hypodermis which functions as a flexible support for their muscles.
Nematode muscles are arranged along the longitudinal axis of the worm, thus allowing the body of the nematode to move only in a sinusoidal (snake-like) motion. Nematodes have no defined respiratory or circulatory systems; they depend on diffusion of water, gasses and metabolites in and out of their semi-permeable body walls and internal transport by mixing of the pseudocoelomic fluid as the nematode moves. This lack of respiratory/ circulatory systems prevents nematodes from becoming larger in cross sectional area, but does not limit their length. The largest nematode found thus far was more than 7 meter long and 1 cm in diameter.
It is difficult to treat nematodes in soil.
But it is not impossible.
For preventing plant roots from nematodes, controlling and getting rid nematodes. You can prepare own special organic liquid mixture for killing nematodes yourself, both economically and so effective.
preparation of this special organic liquid mixture, You need some ingredients that you can find your country easily, formulation and production process. You need no help and no technıcal support to make this mixture. simple mixing is sufficient.
Below textbook has a formulation and manufacturing process of special organic liquid mixture and methods of application to treat nematodes. You can produce special organic liquid mixture for getting rid nematodes easily and apply to soil safety.
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