Life stages
Larva: The young thrip resembles the adult but is smaller. The first two instars are wingless and are called larvae. They feed on nectar, pollen and plant tissue, as do adults. The third instar, called the prepupa, is inactive, does not feed and has wing buds.
It is difficult to fight with westren flower thrips. But it is not impossible.
To prevent plant flowers from flower thrips, controlling and getting rid flower thrips. You can prepare own special organic liquid mixture for flower thrips yourself, both economically and so effective.
To prepare this special organic liquid mixture, You need some ingredients that you can find your country easily, formulation and production process. You need no help and no technıcal support to make this mixture. simple mixing is sufficient.
Below textbook has a formulation and manufacturing process of special organic liquid mixture and methods of application to treat flower thrips. You can produce special organic liquid mixture for western flower thripseasily and apply to plants safety.
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