grapes ile ilgili görsel sonucu
  • In the first couple of years, the vine should not be allowed to produce fruit. It needs to strengthen its root system before it can support the extra weight of fruit.
  • Pruning is important. Not only would vines run rampant without control, but canes will only produce fruit once. Prune annually when vines are dormant, in March or April. This is before the buds start to swell, but when winter damage is apparent.
  • Don't be afraid to remove at least 90 percent of the previous season's growth. This will ensure a higher quality product. Remember, the more you prune, the more grapes you will have.
  • In the first year, cut back all buds except for 2 or 3. Then, select a couple of strong canes and cut back the rest. Make sure the remaining canes are fastened to the support.
  • In the second year, prune back all canes. Leave a couple of buds on each of the arms. Remove flower clusters as they form.
  • Do not fertilize in the first year unless you have problem soil. Fertilize lightly in the second year of growth.
  • Use mulch to keep an even amount of moisture around the vines.
  • A mesh net is useful in keeping birds away from budding fruit.
  • RELATED TAGS: How to care grapes, how to grow grapes fruit, growing of grapes fruit, fertilization time of grapes fruit, fertilization programme of grapes fruits,grapes fruit growing fertilizers, problems of growing grapes, types of grapes fruit, irrigation of grapes fruit, feeding of grapes, seed of grapesgrapes plants growing, grapes fruit diseases,what is alternia diseases for grapes fruits plants,  grapes fruit pests, what is grapes plants.

            grapes ile ilgili görsel sonucu



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    is enough.

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